





















1. 中式按摩:中式按摩以中医理论为基础,通过手法按摩和穴位刺激,达到舒缓疲劳、调节气血、增强免疫力的效果。

2. 泰式按摩:泰式按摩源于泰国,以其独特的按摩手法和技巧而闻名。通过按摩,可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,增强身体活力。

3. 瑞典按摩:瑞典按摩是一种全身放松的按摩方式,通过轻柔的手法按摩肌肉,达到缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、提高免疫力的目的。

4. 足疗:足疗是一种针对脚部进行按摩和推拿的养生方式,可以缓解脚部疲劳、改善睡眠、调节内分泌。



1. 水疗套餐:结合水疗、按摩、香薰等多种方式,让你在短时间内全面放松身心。

2. 香薰SPA:采用天然植物精油,通过香薰和按摩,舒缓压力,提升睡眠质量。

3. 暖宫SPA:针对女性朋友,通过暖宫手法和中药敷贴,改善宫寒、痛经等问题。

4. 面部护理:采用专业护肤产品,为你的肌肤提供全方位的呵护。



总之,杭州东新路SPA是一个集休闲、养生、美容于一体的都市 oasis。在这里,你可以暂时忘却生活的烦恼,尽情享受宁静的时光。如果你在杭州,不妨来这家SPA体验一番,相信它会给你带来不一样的惊喜。







1. 酒吧探店:群内经常会有成员分享自己发现的有趣酒吧,推荐各种特色饮品和美食,让大家在品味美酒佳肴的同时,感受杭州的夜生活魅力。

2. KTV狂欢:在杭州,KTV是年轻人喜爱的娱乐方式之一。群内经常会有人发起KTV聚会,大家一起唱歌、畅饮,尽情释放压力。

3. 烧烤狂欢:夏天到了,烧烤成为了最受欢迎的夜生活之一。群内会组织户外烧烤活动,让大家在享受美食的同时,感受大自然的气息。

4. 电影分享:周末,群内会有人推荐最新上映的电影,组织大家观影,一起讨论剧情,分享心得。

5. 展览活动:杭州是一个文化底蕴深厚的城市,群内会关注各类展览活动,推荐给大家,让大家在欣赏艺术的同时,增长知识。

6. 线上互动:除了线下活动,群内还设有线上互动环节,如:话题讨论、游戏比赛等,让成员们在轻松愉快的氛围中交流。






1. 品牌优势:我们拥有多年的行业经验,品牌知名度高,加盟后可共享品牌效应,迅速提升知名度。

2. 独家技术:我们拥有一套独特的足浴桑拿技术,经过多年研发,效果显著,深受消费者喜爱。

3. 专业培训:加盟后,我们将为您提供全方位的专业培训,让您轻松掌握经营之道。

4. 优质服务:我们致力于为消费者提供优质的服务,让您在加盟后无忧经营。

5. 营销策略:我们将为您提供一系列的营销策略,帮助您快速打开市场,实现盈利。

6. 优惠政策:加盟后,我们将为您提供一系列优惠政策,助力您的创业之路。


1. 了解项目:关注我们的官方网站、微信公众号等渠道,详细了解加盟政策。

2. 咨询洽谈:如有意向,请与我们联系,进行详细咨询和洽谈。

3. 资质审核:提交相关资质文件,进行资质审核。

4. 签订合同:审核通过后,签订加盟合同。

5. 装修培训:根据总部要求进行装修,参加专业培训。

6. 开业运营:完成装修和培训后,正式开业运营。


1. 具备一定的投资实力,愿意长期从事足浴桑拿行业。

2. 对足浴桑拿行业有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的经营管理能力。

3. 认同我们的品牌理念,愿意与我们一起共创美好未来。

4. 遵守国家法律法规,具有良好的商业信誉。


1. 提供完整的加盟手册,让您了解加盟流程。

2. 提供专业的技术培训,让您轻松掌握足浴桑拿技术。

3. 提供开业策划、运营指导等全方位支持。

4. 提供定期市场调研,为您提供市场动态。

5. 提供线上线下宣传推广,助力您的加盟店迅速打开市场。





















1. 杭州西湖SPA水疗馆:位于美丽的西湖景区,环境优美,服务周到。在这里,您可以欣赏到西湖的美景,同时享受水疗带来的舒适与放松。

2. 杭州江干区SPA馆:位于繁华的江干区,交通便利。这里的水疗项目丰富多样,包括中式、泰式、日式等多种按摩手法,让您在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静之地。

3. 杭州上城区SPA馆:位于上城区,这里的水疗馆以养生为主题,提供中式、泰式、韩式等多种水疗项目,让您在享受水疗的同时,也能体验到东方养生文化的精髓。


1. 选择正规的水疗机构,确保服务质量和安全。

2. 根据自身需求选择合适的水疗项目,避免过度劳累。

3. 水疗前后注意保暖,避免受凉。

4. 水疗期间保持良好的心态,享受水疗带来的舒适与放松。







1. 环境优美


2. 服务周到


3. 功能丰富


4. 价格亲民



1. 杭州水裹·汤泉生活


2. 曲水兰亭


3. 杭州萧山碧海蓝天洗浴休闲中心




Xing Sisi was delighted, but it was reserved and nodded gently.

Chapter 44 Are you crazy?
Ji Nanrui is very satisfied with the result, and he has handled everything well.
Actually, he doesn’t need his wife’s strength, ability and prominent family background, so it’s good.
Be quiet, be good and be clever.
High-heeled shoes sound from near and far Ji Nanrui inadvertently looked up and saw Ye Lingshan coming.
Ye Lingshan also saw Ji Nanrui, the girl opposite him, but she didn’t see her face because her back was turned to her.
But it doesn’t matter
She’s already here. She can’t fly without wings.
However, she is really curious about the girl’s means. It took only a long time to get rid of the man who has been chasing her for so many years.
When Ji Nanrui saw Ye Lingshan, he knew that she had come prepared.
But it’s good
I’m tired of hiding from her all these years
He is thirty years old and should start a family.
Ye Lingshan doesn’t know how many times she has dealt with trying to get close to a woman in Jinan Rui. She is very familiar with it.
But it’s the first time that JiNanRui has taken the initiative like today.
JiNaRui but the so-called former Ling Ye shan can drive away those women more or less has his meaning.
But today is different.
Ye Lingshan seems very calm today, not as aggressive as before.
JiNaRui took a sip of red wine XingSisi looked up and looked at JiNaRui this man is really charming.
She didn’t hear the footsteps behind her when all eyes were on him.
Until a man sat next to JiNanRui.
When Xing Sisi saw Ling Ye’s face clearly, the red wine glass in his hand shook and almost fell down.
Ye Lingshan was surprised when she saw Xing Sisi’s face clearly. She thought she should be very angry. She should throw red wine in her face if the horse lifts the table.
But she actually smiled
Ling Ye looks good when she smiles.
Baby face shallow pear vortex full of little girls’ innocence.
But this time her smile is full of coldness and sarcasm.
She didn’t say a word
I didn’t do anything
It’s not like her.
No, not exactly her.
Ji Nanrui was also surprised.
Playing cards is not reasonable!
Xing Sisi’s expression gradually calmed down from surprise and fear to now.
Yes, his face is still a little pale.
"Let me introduce …" JiNaRui words were interrupted by Ye Lingshan.
"Let me introduce you. After all, we are more familiar, aren’t we, sister …" Ye Lingshan’s sister deliberately played a long sound.
Sure enough, Xing Sisi’s face turned a little whiter after listening to the words "Sister", and then he got up from his position and said, "Mr. Ji, I’m a little uncomfortable. Go back first!"
Ji Nanrui is a little confused. What did Ye Lingshan say about her sister?
When did Xing Sisi become her sister?
By the time he reacted, Xing Sisi had already gone to the door.
Ji Nanrui, of course, wanted to chase but was stopped by Ye Lingshan.
"Let!" JiNanRui tone some urgent.

"eh!" Huang Liren numb nodded his head.

The car sped along the streets of Hong Kong towards the international airport.
"Eagle strike! Eagle strike! The target has appeared at the international airport, and we will entangle all American agents. I hope that you will kill Huang Liren, a traitor, with one blow. Come to the hounds team again on the car encryption intercom.
"The eagle strikes white!" Lu Qinghe firmly replied, then took a deep breath and took out her special palm pistol to walk.
At this time, as a monk forever reposes his eyes by the wall of a special passage and recites his sutras in his mouth; And I looked up at the sky and the white clouds were expressionless.
"The hounds are stopping them. I hope you two don’t let the country and the people down." Lu Qingheshi has no confidence in both of us. What does she think of us? Neither of us is like a real master.
The special passage is 20 meters away. We must kill Huang Liren at this distance, or we will lose the opportunity forever.
I looked at Lu Qinghe and said, "Don’t be nervous, little girl!"
"I … this is a big thing to the fate and future of the motherland. I ask you two to take it seriously. At the same time, you will kill Huang Liren with 100% energy. At the same time, you can’t make much noise. If you two can’t finish it, please help me and I will kill his attacker." Lu Qinghe said to me seriously, and she flashed a small pistol smaller than the palm of her hand.
"This pistol has a bullet, but the warhead has a poisonous potassium cyanide with an effective range of 10 meters. I want you two to stall the martial arts master around Huang Liren and give me a chance. I can definitely hit the target." Lu Qinghe said to me and Yongru.
"Our orders are not like this, Marie, and please remember that you are only the assassination of our two drivers. Please stay out of it. This is discipline." Before I came, I had already discussed everything with the major general, but I didn’t expect this female agent named Lu Qinghe to be so distrustful of the two of us that she wanted to change the action plan without permission.
"I don’t believe you two!" Lu Qinghe was very worried. She knew that the hounds were all trying to pester American agents, and there might be sacrifices. At the same time, this was the last chance to assassinate Huang Liren. She didn’t want to make any mistakes.
"You don’t believe in the two of us. Don’t you believe in your level?" I stared at Lu Qinghe and said in my heart, "This female agent is too unqualified."
"I …" Lu Qinghe knew that one of the three outstanding comrades was killed by the previous three assassinations or by her fiance, and she would lose her mind like this today.
"coming!" Forever as a monk stopped chanting and opened his eyes at the same time, revealing a trace of light in his eyes.
"The breath is steady, the pace is firm, and the belt is soft. This person should practice Tai Ji Quan." I listened to the footsteps coming out of the special channel and said slowly.
"I’ll give you ten seconds when this person is handed over to me." Yongru gave me a look.
I nodded and then looked at Lu Qinghe. "Do your own thing and start a good car to meet us."
"Yes!" Lu Qinghe finally agreed with a frown and then darted into the car.
The entrance to the special passage of the hunting team paid a great price, and after all, more than a dozen American agents were stopped.
However, in the chaos, Yang Heshan and Huang Liren and an American agent rushed to the exit of the special passage to get out of this special passage, so they were safe, because China and the United States have not yet torn their faces, and some things can be done secretly.
Three figures appeared instantly like a big monk’s body moved. He crossed the river with a reed, and his flying skill was almost as fast as a ghost’s body moved. In front of Yang Heshan, a palm of ruling chasing sand attacked Yang Heshan.
When Yang Heshan ran through the passage, he felt that there were two strong smells at the exit, and his heart became more and more careful, so when the shadow flashed in front of him, he knew that someone had attacked Suoma and threw it out with a single whip.
However, Yang Heshan was shocked when his one-handed whip hand just came into contact with the palm of sand chasing like a ruling poison, because he felt a twinge of pain in his fist and bones, and at the same time he also saw clearly who was attacking others.
"Monk?" Yang Heshan heart andao
But the word monk only popped up in his mind, and he didn’t want to think much about it because he was always pouring out at him like an attack and a storm.
As always, the footwork is erratic, but the hand attack is full of gas and sharp sounds.
African-American hand and ruling sand-chasing palm take turns to attack Yang Heshan.
Yang Heshan can’t be careless. This kind of powerful hard work will get one and a half lives, so he will go in and peel the skin if he dies.
So he quickly used Tai Ji Chuan’s unique seal to guard against an impenetrable monk who entangled Yang Heshan. Now he is trying to look after Huang Liren next to him.
Finally, an American agent came running towards me with Huang Liren, and a pistol with a silencer in his hand had been lifted.
Before his gun went off, the concrete floor of my foot suddenly burst and made a sound, and my body flashed at Huang Liren and this American agent.
About seven meters away from me instantly.
As my body hit me, I punched this man with a fist. He was a burly American agent, and his powerful chest muscles instantly sagged. At the same time, his eyes popped out and blood gushed out from his mouth, ready to pull and hit his fingers.
Plop one!
The man collapsed and twitched for two seconds.
"Don’t kill me!" Huang Liren screamed.
But it’s already late. I used my left palm, and the iron sand palm turned and blew his chest to breathe, which caused a ripple. When I hit his chest with my palm, the clothes on his back broke and a palm-sized hole appeared.
"Go!" I yelled at Yongru.
With the body toward the car next to jump in.
Always as ghostly as that, I jumped into the car almost at the same time
Lu Qinghe stared at Huang Liren, who still didn’t go backwards. She was full of doubts and incomprehension, but the military discipline let her know that it was not the time to ask, and she went out with a throttle.
Buzzing …
A puff of smoke from the exhaust hole of the car disappeared into the distance.
Yang Heshan quickly came to Huang Liren and looked at his broken back and frowned.
"Brother Huang, do you feel any discomfort?" Yang Heshan asked Huang Liren
"eh?" Huang Liren didn’t react until he heard Yang Heshan’s voice. He came to die by himself, but at this time, he touched his body with his hands and found that he was still alive.
"I’m fine!" Huang Liren blinked and replied
A second later, there was a noisy footsteps, and a dozen American agents finally got rid of the hounds and rushed over.
“GO! GO! GO!” An American agent yelled at his head.
Yang Heshan felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t tell because Huang Liren was still alive and kicking and didn’t seem to be injured.
Then a group of them picked up the dead American agent and ran towards the American airliner not far away.
"He didn’t kill me?" Huang Liren was puzzled and there was a confusion in his mind at the same time.
Yang Heshan couldn’t figure it out either, but Huang Liren didn’t die. He would get a large bonus if he returned to the United States, so he didn’t think deeply.
"Is that man good at kung fu?" At this time, I looked relaxed and asked Yongru
"Yang-style Tai Ji Chuan boxing frame is very difficult. Tai Ji Chuan is China’s thought of Dacheng Boxing. Just now, he unloaded a quarter of my strength for every attack." Yongru thought about it and replied.
"I didn’t expect a Tai Chi master to go to the United States and help the American government to do things sadly!" I sighed a dark.
"Amitabha has consequences for every cause, and everything needs to be forced!" Yongru monk said a Buddhist word.
I stopped talking, but I wanted to have a chance. I really wanted to fight with this Tai Chi master.